Gifts for 17-Year-Old Boys

27 Gifts for 17-Year-Old Boys That Any Teenager Wants

At age 17, boys are still growing and changing physically but they’re about to start the last stage of adolescence and are getting ready to move into adulthood. Age 17 is a crossroads for boys; whilst they might be thinking about their future and goals, this may also be something that they are putting off.

Adult support continues to be important throughout this year even though 17-year-old boys seem incredibly independent! This growing independence also means 17-year-olds tend to spend more time alone or with peers, so it might be difficult to know what to buy him as a gift. We’ve put together this guide of the best gift ideas for 17-year-old boys to help you choose a gift that he will love, want, need and use.

Gifts for 16-Year-Old Boys

27 Unique and Exciting Gifts for 16-Year-Old Boys

16-year-old boys are at a developmental stage where they can bring both an overwhelming sense of pride and a whole heap of stress and frustration to their friends and family. Whilst it’s not easy to deal with a teenager’s rudeness, laziness or grumpiness, these are often short-lived and developmental milestones! So, try to roll with it and focus on the joy that 16-year olds can bring too as they grow up, become their own person, hone in on their interests and accomplish all manner of things.

Gifts for 15-Year-Old Boys

26 Unique Gifts for 15-Year-Old Boys Who Wants to Be Cool

The teenage years can be tricky, but between 15- and 18-years old teenagers are busy gaining the skills they need to become responsible adults so this is a crucial time and it’s important to continue to build strong relationships throughout these years. Most 15-year-old boys have developed a strong sense of independence and confidence in their own opinions and may even have a bit of a rebellious nature, but this is all a part of growing up and usually nothing to worry about.

Understanding a teen’s development can help to build those strong relationships they need in order to mature and can also help you to select an appropriate gift for them! We’ve brought together a selection of gifts to help you choose a gift that will suit a 15-year-old boy.

Gifts for 14-Year-Old Boys

26 Fun and Unique Gifts for 14-Year-Old Boys

14 can be a crucial age for boys; while some 14-year-olds start becoming more responsible and adult-like, others begin to rebel and get mixed up with the wrong crowd. Both are normal, but it’s an important time for adults in a child’s life to ensure they’re encouraging healthy development. Even though many 14-year-old boys appear to want to argue with adults about everything, actually deep down they crave the stability that adults offer to their lives and are very appreciative of gifts given by important adults in their lives.

We’ve put together a list of gift suggestions for 14-year-old boys which should suit a wide range of interests and help to develop a varied set of important skills.

Gifts That’ll Keep 13-Year-Old Boys

26 Fun Gifts That’ll Keep 13-Year-Old Boys Entertained

Thirteen marks the beginning of the dreaded teenage years; as a child turns 13, they begin a mental shift in their self-perception. No longer do they see themselves as a child but instead they begin to adopt that “teenager” label. A 13-year-old boy may begin to feel more independent during this time and will certainly want to have their opinion heard and exercise increasing amounts of control over their body, their environment and their need for privacy.

In some ways this makes buying a gift easier as they express quite clear interests and you can purchase something that fits in with these. Many 13-year-olds still desire affirmation from adults, and care about what grown-ups think of them despite expressing the contrary! Choosing a gift that reflects a 13-year-old’s interests and abilities as well as opening up new skills is a great way of showing your approval. We’ve put together a list of 30 gifts that will appeal to 13-year-old boys.

Gifts for 12-Year-Old Boys

27 Unique and Useful Gifts for a 12-Year-Old Boy

The last year before becoming officially a teenager, age 12 is an age of being in-between. On the one hand, 12-year-olds have not quite become teenagers and can still act like children you have known up until now, but on the other hand, they are rapidly approaching the teenage years and you often begin to see little glimpses of this in their desire for independence and self-expression. Fortunately, at this stage, the changes that go along with the teenager years are still emerging slowly so there is time to prepare.

All of this though can make choosing a gift slightly trickier, as you may be unsure whether to go for something like a toy or something more suited to a teenager. This list brings together some more mature toys, and some practical items, so you can find something suitable for the 12-year-old boy you are buying for.

Gifts for Active 11-Year-Old Boys

27 Incredibly Fun Gifts for Active 11-Year-Old Boys

By age 11 boys are swiftly moving away from childhood and towards the tumultuous teenage years, with their new desire for maturity, it can be difficult to know what to buy for an 11-year-old boy. At this age, boys are beginning to want to be part of the adult world, and no longer want toys which are obviously toys, though their playful side and desire for fun often remains. This all makes gift buying pretty tricky! So, we’ve put together a list of gifts that should appeal to both the playful side and the newfound maturity of 11-year-old boys.

Gifts for 10-Year-Old Boys

27 Great Gifts for 10-Year-Old Boys Who Love to Play

Being 10 is a time of change and transition; children of this age are beginning to welcome the approach of adolescence and are firmly in the ‘tween’ age bracket.

Self-identity and self-esteem become much more important around this age as children develop more of a sense of who they are and how they fit into the world. For some children this age there will be a change in school, depending on the schooling system where they live, for others they will begin to experience different social settings in clubs and extra-curricular activities. Social interaction is increasingly important at this stage and children will become more skilled socially; being more able to navigate conflict, control their emotions and negotiate solutions with peers.

If you’re searching for a gift for a 10-year-old boy, this list may help you to find something special. We’ve put together a range of options, catering to different interests and skills so you will get plenty of ideas of what to buy.

Terrific Gifts That Will Engage 9-Year-Old Boys

25 Terrific Gifts That Will Engage 9-Year-Old Boys

By age nine, boys are a bit too old to be considered children, but a bit too young to be teenagers, and are instead somewhere ‘in between’. They have almost reached adolescence and the term ‘tween’ or ‘tweenager’ is very much applicable. Some parents find this a very challenging stage of parenting whilst others cruise through it with very few problems.

In many ways 9-year-olds still need the support, comfort and structure that they had from their families as children but they are also becoming much more independent and able to carry out a wide range of activities without so much adult support. When you are buying a gift for a 9-year-old this new-found independence means that an even wider range of options are available as they are able to have a go at more complex tasks by themselves. This list has been put together to support you in choosing a gift for a 9-year-old boy.

Gifts for 8-year-old Boys

27 Fun Gifts That Will Keep 8-Year-Old Boys Entertained

Around about age 8 most children experience a physical, emotional and mental growth spurt or ‘leap forward’. The physical growth spurt means that they may become more skillful in sporting activities, which may lead to an increased interest in sports. At this age coordination and fine motor skills also improve which makes many artistic activities much more enjoyable and complex construction sets more appealing.

We’ve put together a list of the top 30 best toys and gift ideas for 8-year-old boys to help you in the search for a gift. There is plenty of variety included in the list so that you can pick something to suit the boy’s personality, whilst all of the options focus on building skills that are important for 8-year-olds.

Gifts for 7-Year-Old Boys

27 Exciting Gifts for 7-Year-Old Boys They Can Use Every Day

7-years-old is a fantastic age; most 7-year-olds are very excited about new knowledge and curious about the world. 7-year-old boys are natural scientists, asking all sorts of questions about how things happen and why things work. This is a great skill set to encourage as it will serve them well throughout life. By now, most children are well established in school and feel confident in their role and learning, wanting to talk to others about what they have done and what they know.

If you’re looking to buy a gift for a 7-year-old boy you may be overwhelmed by his huge range of interest, which is constantly changing and evolving! and feel unsure about what to buy him. This list has been put together to help you pick something that will suit a 7-year-old boy’s interests and contribute to his development.

Gifts That Will Engage 6-Year-Old Boys

27 Gifts That Will Engage 6-Year-Old Boys to the Max

6-year-old boys can be a mass of contradictions; on the one hand they start to go to parties, play dates and school events by themselves, and on the other hand they crave the security and comfort of home and parents. It is a time of change.

Whilst many 6-year-old boys will develop some kind of hobby or interest indoors, such as board games, video games, or construction activities, they also still have tonnes of energy and will crave and need time outdoors. As school steps up and becomes more classroom-based this time outdoors becomes even more important. Around this age lots of parents seek to involve their child in sports to keep them physically active and healthy.

If you’re looking for a gift for a 6-year-old boy there are plenty of options based on indoor and outdoor interests. We’ve put together a list that incorporates a variety of these ideas so that you can find the perfect gift for a 6-year-old boy that will also benefit his development.

Gifts for 5-Year-Old Boys

26 Fun Gifts for 5-Year-Old Boys Who Loves to Play

By 5-years-old, boys are no longer little pre-schoolers or toddlers but aren’t quite “big kids” yet either, they’ve reached an in-between stage of childhood. By 5 many children will have started school and will be beginning to have more control over their emotions and behaviours. However, emotional outbursts will still be common as self-regulation is only just beginning.

Physically, 5-year-olds are getting much taller, and much more coordinated and skilled in their movements. Keeping children active and healthy at this age sets up good habits for years to come. The gifts included in this list take into account a 5-year-old boy’s stage of development, and are carefully selected to help support this as well as appealing to a range of different interests.

Gifts for 4-Year-Old Boys

26 Really Exciting Gifts for 4-Year-Old Boys

Age 4 is a great time; little boys of this age are curious about how things happen and their cognitive development is happening at lightning speed! For this reason, most 4-year-old boys tend to be interested in absolutely everything. Social skills and development also become incredibly important at this age as 4-year-olds are beginning to understand much more of the social world and take an interest in others’ opinions, lives and preferences. Around age 4, imitation and play-acting scenarios are typical types of play and many of the gifts on this list will support this kind of play and the development of social skills.

With so many different products and great options on the market, it can be overwhelming to try and choose a gift for a 4-year-old boy. This list showcases a range of different options to help you pick something out.

Inspire Creativity: 30 Fun Gifts for 9-Year-Old Girls

Inspire Creativity: 27 Fun Gifts for 9-Year-Old Girls

At age nine, buying gifts for young girls gets a bit more challenging as they are a bit too old to be considered a child, but a bit too young to be a teenager. In order to make your gift-giving a little bit easier, I’ve rounded up 30 gifts my kids either own and love or are asking for in 2023.

In many ways 9-year-olds still need the support, comfort and structure that they had from their families as children but they are also becoming much more independent and able to carry out a wide range of activities without so much adult support. When you are buying a gift for a 9-year-old this new-found independence means that an even wider range of options are available as they are able to have a go at more complex tasks. This list has been put together to support you in choosing a gift for a 9-year-old girl with plenty of varied ideas.

30 Unique Gifts That Will Delight Any 6-Year-Old Girl

26 Unique Gifts That Will Delight Any 6-Year-Old Girl

By age 6 little girls tend to have very much formed their personality and will have well-established interests. If they have a special occasion coming up, such as a birthday or a holiday, they are quite likely to have a wish list, or at least a few ideas about what they would like; but if they don’t then there’s no need to worry, 6-year-old girls are generally happy to give most things a try! We’ve put together a list of the 30 best toys and gifts for 6-year-old girls to help you make your selection. The list is varied to span a wide range of personalities and interests so there’s sure to be something suitable for the 6-year-old girl you’re buying for.

30 Awesome Gifts to Make 5-Year-Old Girls Happy

27 Awesome Gifts to Make 5-Year-Old Girls Happy

By 5-years-old, little girls reach an in-between stage of childhood, they are no longer little pre-schoolers or toddlers but aren’t quite “big kids” yet either. By 5 many children will have started school and as such will feel much more grown up and able to control themselves, and their behaviour, better as they listen to their teachers in school. However, emotional outbursts will still be common as self-regulation is only just beginning.

Physically you will notice plenty of changes in a 5-year-old as they slim out, become taller and demonstrate so much more coordination and skill in their movements. Keeping children active and healthy at this age sets up good habits for years to come. The gifts included in this list take into account a 5-year-old girl’s stage of development, and are carefully selected to help support this as well as appealing to a range of different interests.

30 Gifts for 4-Year-Old Girls to Spark Their Creativity

26 Gifts for 4-Year-Old Girls to Spark Their Creativity

By the time a little girl reaches one year old she has already developed rapidly from a tiny, dependent baby to an almost-toddler with lots of personality! So, if you’re looking for a gift for a 1-year-old girl this list of 30 ideas may be useful. We’ve included toys and gifts that will appeal to a wide range of personalities and support different kinds of development, so there’s sure to be something to suit the little girl you’re buying for.

30 Fun Gifts Any 3-Year-Old Girl Will Just Love

27 Fun Gifts Any 3-Year-Old Girl Will Just Love

As girls turn 3-years-old, they go from being ‘toddlers’ to being ‘pre-schoolers’ this may coincide with beginning pre-school or moving into a pre-school class within their usual childcare setting. The transition from toddler to pre-schooler isn’t always smooth, leading to behaviour more often associated with teenagers. Emotions run high at age 3, and 3-year-olds are quick to express their thoughts, feeling and opinions. Whilst this can be a little difficult to navigate it’s a great sign that they are developing as they should be.

Along with this expressive nature comes lots of creativity and a burgeoning imagination. 3-year-olds, like most young children, still need plenty of time outdoors and lots of physical activity; allowing children the freedom to run, climb, and jump is essential. Pre-schoolers need to practice their physical skills to develop strength, balance and coordination. If you are searching for a gift for a 3-year-old girl there are plenty of toys and gifts to choose from, but we’ve brought together 30 of the best, that will help to support their development.

30 Really Exciting Gifts for 2-Year-Old Girls

28 Really Exciting Gifts for 2-Year-Old Girls

Sometimes this stage of development is referred to as “the terrible twos” as parents tend to see more emotional outbursts and boundary-pushing behaviors. 2-year-old girls, in particular, desperately want to be independent but often their physical skills don’t yet match up to this desire, leading to a real sense of frustration. However, 2-year-olds are not simply terrible, it is actually an extremely important time for neurological development and the brain grows significantly during this year. In fact, the way that a brain develops at 2-years old really lays down the foundations for life.

At 2-years-old speech is developing rapidly, as are physical skills and the ability to play imaginatively. If you’re looking for a gift for a 2-year-old girl the list we’ve put together here will help with all these different kinds of development.

30 Awesome Gifts for Curious 1-Year-Old Girls

27 Awesome Gifts for Curious 1-Year-Old Girls

By the time a little girl reaches one year old she has already developed rapidly from a tiny, dependent baby to an almost-toddler with lots of personality! So, if you’re looking for a gift for a 1-year-old girl this list of 30 ideas may be useful. We’ve included toys and gifts that will appeal to a wide range of personalities and support different kinds of development, so there’s sure to be something to suit the little girl you’re buying for.

Fun Gifts for 3-Year-Old Boys

27 Incredibly Fun Gifts for 3-Year-Old Boys

As children turn 3-years-old, they move from being ‘toddlers’ to being ‘pre-schoolers’ and this may co-inside with beginning pre-school or moving into a pre-school class within their usual childcare setting. The transition from toddler to pre-schooler isn’t always smooth, leading to some dubbing 3-year-olds “Threenagers” as their behaviour can often seem like that which we usually associate with teenagers. Emotions run high at age 3, and 3-year-olds are quick to express their thoughts, feeling and opinions. Whilst this can be a little difficult to navigate it’s a great sign that they are developing as they should be.

3-year-old boys, like most young children, still need plenty of time outdoors and lots of physical activity; allowing them the freedom to run, climb, and jump is essential for practicing their physical skills, developing strength, balance and coordination and burning off some of their seemingly endless energy. If you are searching for a gift for a 3-year-old boy there are plenty of toys and gifts to choose from, but we’ve brought together some of the best which will help to support their development too.

Gifts for 2-Year-Old Boys

26 Gifts for 2-Year-Old Boys That Will Burn Their Energy

By age 2 a little boy is no longer a baby, and is certainly into the realms of toddlerhood. Sometimes this stage is referred to as “the terrible twos” as parents tend to see more emotional outbursts and boundary-pushing behaviors. However, 2-year-olds are not simply terrible, it is actually an extremely important time for neurological and cognitive development and the brain grows significantly during this time.

As the brain grows and changes, we do begin to see the more challenging behaviors but we also see growing abilities and developmental leaps. At 2-years-old speech is developing rapidly, as are physical skills and the ability to play imaginatively. If you’re looking for a gift for a 2-year-old boy the list we’ve put together here will help with all these different kinds of development.

Gifts for 1-Year-Old Boys

26 Unique and Exciting Gifts for 1-Year-Old Boys

By one year old a baby boy has already developed so rapidly; changing from a tiny, sleepy newborn into an almost-toddler with the personality to match! In the first year of life physical and cognitive development are more rapid than at any other time.

So, if you’re looking for a gift for a 1-year-old boy, that will continue to support his development, then this list of 30 ideas may be useful. We’ve included toys and gifts that will promote different kinds of development, and will appeal to different little boys’ interests and personalities so you’re sure to find something that will suit the little boy you’re buying for.

30 Gifts for 17-Year-Old Girls That'll Make Them Feel Special

28 Gifts for 17-Year-Old Girls That’ll Make Them Feel Special

At age 17 a girl is right on the precipice of adulthood and whilst many 17-year-old girls are excited about their future, others are actually pretty scared about entering the adult world and all that entails. This is an age where friends and family can be quiet, steadying influences whilst the world seems all in flux.

30 Really Unique Gift Ideas for 16-Year-Old Girls

27 Really Unique Gift Ideas for 16-Year-Old Girls

16-year-olds are at a developmental stage where they can bring both an overwhelming sense of pride and a whole heap of stress and frustration to their friends and family. Whilst it’s not easy to deal with a teenager’s rudeness, laziness or grumpiness, these are often short-lived and developmental milestones! So, try to roll with it and focus on the joy that 16-year olds can bring too as they grow up, become their own person, hone in on their interests and accomplish all manner of things. 16-year-old girls may be more mature than boys of a similar age, and able to interact with and form friendship relationships with adults in their lives.

30 Gifts for 15-Year-Old Girls That'll Make Them Feel Grown Up

26 Gifts for 15-Year-Old Girls That’ll Make Them Feel Grown Up

The teenage years can be tricky, but between 15- and 18-years old teenagers are busy gaining the skills they need to become responsible adults so this is a crucial time and it’s important to continue to build strong relationships throughout these years. Most 15-year-old girls have developed a strong sense of independence and confidence in their own opinions and some may even have a bit of a rebellious nature, but this is all a part of growing up and usually nothing to worry about.

Understanding a teen’s development can help to build those strong relationships they need in order to mature and can also help you to select an appropriate gift for them! We’ve brought together a selection of gifts to help you choose a gift that will suit a 15-year-old girl.

30 Gifts for 14-Year-Old Girls Who Already Have Everything

27 Gifts for 14-Year-Old Girls Who Already Have Everything

Age 14 is an important age and stage of development for many girls; many 14-year-olds start becoming more responsible and adult-like, whilst others may begin to rebel and get mixed up with the wrong crowd. Both are normal, but it’s an important time for adults in a child’s life to ensure they’re encouraging healthy development. Even though many 14-year-old girls appear to want to argue with adults about everything, and seem to be very independent, deep down they crave the stability that adults offer to their lives and are very appreciative of gifts given by important adults in their lives.

We’ve put together a list of gift suggestions for 14-year-old girls which should suit a wide range of interests and personalities.

30 Really Cool Gifts Any 13-Year-Old Girl Will Love

26 Really Cool Gifts Any 13-Year-Old Girl Will Love

Thirteen; the first official year of the dreaded teens! As a child turns 13, they begin a mental shift in their self-perception; no longer do they see themselves as a child but instead, they begin to adopt that “teenager” label. A 13-year-old girl is likely to feel much more independent during this time and will certainly want to have their opinion heard and exercise increasing amounts of control over their body, their environment and their need for privacy.

In some ways, this makes buying a gift easier as they express quite clear interests and you can purchase something that fits in with these. Many 13-year-old girls still desire affirmation from adults and care about what grown-ups think of them so choosing a gift that reflects a 13-year-old’s interests and abilities as well as opening up new skills is a great way of showing your approval. We’ve put together a list of 30 gifts that will appeal to 13-year-old girls so you can find that perfect gift for her.

30 Gifts for 12-Year-Old Girls They're Going to Love

27 Gifts for 12-Year-Old Girls They’re Going to Love

The last year before becoming officially a teenager, age 12 is an age of being in-between. As children inch closer to being teenagers physical, social, emotional and cognitive change begins to happen slowly. 12-year-old girls in particular have moments of acting like children, and moments of real maturity and turning into little adults.

This period of change can make buying gifts a little difficult as you may be unsure whether to go with something fun and child-like or something that will appeal to their new-found maturity. We’ve put together a collection of suggestions that ticks both boxes below.